# Key macro concepts Here are the definitions of Rule of Law, Justice, and Governance: ## What is the Rule of Law? The term Rule of Law refers to a system in which law is able to impose meaningful restraints on the state and individual members of the ruling elite. It refers to a governance principle in which all persons, institutions, and entities, public and private, including the State itself, are accountable to laws that are publicly promulgated, equally enforced, and independently adjudicated, and which are consistent with international human rights norms and standards. We extend this concept further by defining the Rule of Law as a rules-based system in which the following four universal principles are upheld. First, the government and its officials and agents are accountable under the law. Second, the laws are clear, publicized, stable, and fair, and protect fundamental rights, including the security of persons and property. Third, the process by which the laws are enacted, administered, and enforced is accessible, fair, and efficient. Lastly, access to justice is provided by competent, independent, and ethical adjudicators, attorneys or representatives, and judicial officers who are of sufficient number, have adequate resources, and reflect the makeup of the communities they serve. Given the previous definitions, we can infer that the Rule of Law is a multidimensional concept that extends over eight basic pillars: limited government powers; absence of corruption; order and security; fundamental rights; open government; effective regulatory enforcement; access to civil justice; and an effective criminal justice. From a political science perspective, these factors draw on four basic ideas related to the relationship between the state and the civil society: the checks and balances on the government's power, the effectiveness of the state in performing its basic functions, participation and collaboration between the state and its citizens, and absence of arbitrary abuse by the authority. ## What is Justice? We define Justice as the ethical, philosophical idea that people are to be treated impartially, fairly, properly, and reasonably by the law and by arbiters of the law, that laws are to ensure that no harm befalls another, and that, where harm is alleged, a remedial action is taken - both the accuser and the accused receive a morally right consequence merited by their actions. Justice also refers more specifically to the set of institutions and services that allow for the impartial mediation and adjudication of disputes arising from the violation or conflicting interpretations of laws, including the enforcement of decisions or agreements reached through their operation. ## What is Governance? Finally, we define Governance as the mechanisms, processes, and structures through which public institutions operate and make decisions for the welfare and benefit of their respective communities. This encompasses the way governments and local authorities are organized, how policies are formulated and implemented, how resources are allocated and managed, and how public services are delivered to citizens. # News article and instructions Now, given the following news article: News title: {headline} News summary: {summary} News body: {body} Please analyze the news article and its context, and answer the following question: 1. Based on the definitions that I just provided above, is this news article narrating events related to the Rule of Law, Justice, or Governance? Use the following JSON format to answer: {{ rule_of_law_related: answer to the question number 1. if the news article is not related to the Rule of Law, Justice, or Governance answer with "Unrelated", otherwise answer with "Yes". }} When answering, strictly attach to the definitions of the Rule of Law, Justice, and Governance and keep in mind the following points: 1. We do not include the right to access to healthcare in the conceptual framework of the Rule of Law because we are not contacting public health experts in this project, so news articles which main topic is the right to healthcare should not be related to the Rule of Law. 2. It is very important to distinguish between different types of news: description of events, interviews, op-eds, public statements, to clarify whether the news article has any actual impact on the Rule of Law, Justice, or Governance. 3. Opinion columns and opinion articles in general should not be related to the Rule of Law, Justice, and Governance. There is a very important key point to keep in mind: Our conceptual framework does NOT include war, armed conflict, or peace agreements. Therefore, news articles narrating events that derive from war, armed conflict, or peace agreements, or events that are a direct consequence from the previous situations should NOT be related to the Rule of Law. Remember to ONLY answer following the JSON format explained above. Begin!